Bat’s Big Game Connections

“Bat’s Big Game”, retold by Margaret Read MacDonald and Eugenia Nobati as the illustrator is a book for 7-9-year-olds. It is about this Bat who was going to play soccer. One team was birds and the other team was animals (Mammals). Since Bat had wings like a bird and fur and teeth like mammals he knew he could get into any team. He chose the mammals since he thought they would win, but then when they were losing he switched to the winning team, birds. Then again, he switched back to the animal team since they were winning again. Then the ref stopped the game and told each team to come to him/her. He asked the bird team if Bat was on their team, then he asked the other team if Bat was also on there. After that everyone noticed he was switching team and he got kicked out the game. After that day, Bat practiced every day. I kind of liked the book since I can kind of relate to it. (That’s what one of my friends does). But it was a little repetitive since he kept just switching teams. One text to self connection that I had was at the start when Bat was predicting which team would win and going on that team. One time, I was playing soccer with my friends at Ambleside and I was the caption of a team so I got to choose which players are on my team and obviously I chose the players I knew where good. Another connection I make from the book “Bat’s Big Game” is when he kept switching sides so he could be on the winning team. A few months ago I was reading this book and then this guy was losing a soccer game so he decided to put something really hard in his shoes so that when he kicked it would go faster, longer and stronger. Obviously this is a text to text connection. Another connection I had to this book was when Bat got exposed to cheating in the game. A few months ago I was playing basketball and in the other team, this guy would foul me every-time I went for a layup. One time when I was going for a layup he came from the back and pushed me and I fell really badly. Then the referee said he can’t play anymore until second half. This is a text to self connection since it was something that happened to me. As you can see, you can make many connections to one book just like how I did.

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