Wanted: The Perfect Pet

“Wanted: The Perfect Pet”, written and illustrator by Fiona Roberton is a book written for an age group of 8 to 9 year olds. The book is about this boy named henry that has many frogs but wants a dog since a dog can do some much cool stuff. So he puts a sign up in the street so if anyone knows a dog with white hair they would tell him. (Chapter 2) Once upon a time there was a duck who had no friends. Then he saw the sign that Henry put up and realized that this way, he could get a friend. So he dressed up as a dog and went to Henry’s house. Henry thought it was his dream come true and went to the park to play with him. Henry realized that the duck couldn’t do some of the things he thought it would do. Shortly afterwards, the duck’s dress fell off. The duck told him everything and how he just wanted a friend. Henry brought him back to his house and started taking notes of what a duck can do. Then he realized that the duck was the perfect pet and they lived happily ever after. One connection that I have is when he had something but wanted the same type of thing but different. When I was really young, I had these shoes, but I really wanted these sketchers that looked really cool. But then at the end I actually got them but they were red which was a bit different than what I wanted but it was still good. Another connection that I had was when he said he had a lot of frogs but he didn’t really like them. When I was young, I had some fish, but I didn’t really like them. Another connection that I have is when he said he wanted even more pets when he already had some. That reminds of the girl in Charlie and The Chocolate Factory who was really spoiled. In conclusion, I liked the book and I enjoyed writing about it.

After the Fall how Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again

“After the Fall how Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again” written and illustrated by Dan Santat is a picture book blog made for an age group of 7-9 year olds. This book is the sequel of a book which including him falling and damaging himself at the end. In this book, he tries again and doesn’t give up (To fly off a wall). He comes up with these plans but they just don’t work. He nearly gives up, but realizes he’s spent so much time on trying to fly and so tries again. In the end of the book he cracked (Hatched) and turned into a bird and could fly. One connection that I have about this book is when he didn’t give since he had tried so much. Once I switched from controller to mouse and keyboard in this game, which was a pretty big switch since I was really good at controller. I almost gave up on playing mouse and keyboard but I knew I practiced so much so I didn’t give up. Another connection that I have is when he tried to make a plan to fly. I also used to make plans to do something. For example, once I tried to make a plan for “Capture the Flag” so that our team could win. The last connection that I have is when he fell but didn’t give up. Once in basketball I was going for an layup and when I jumped to shoot this guy just pushed me and hit me really bad. In conclusion, I liked this book since it had a good message (Not giving up).

The Noisy Paint Box: The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky Abstract Art

“The Noisy Paint Box: The Colors and Sounds of Kandinsky Abstract Art” written by Barb Rosenstock and illustrated by Mary GrandPre’ is a book made for an age group of 9-10. The book is about this Russian boy named Vasya Kandinsky who learns how to paint by his Aunt since she thought every one should know how to draw. His parents divorced when he was a teenager so he lived with aunt. His aunt gave him a paintbrush. He thought that the paintbrush made sounds but nobody believed him. Then, his parents sent him to an art class so he can learn how to paint. When he finished his normal school he wanted to be lawyer. But Vasya couldn’t ignore the beautiful sounds from the paintbrush painting. But then one day who saw how fun and amazing painting is and quit is job of being a lawyer and become a painter. At the end he become a very successful painter and added a new way of painting for ever. One connection that I have is when his aunt teaches him how to draw when he was young. I also learned how to draw when I was young by my sister who is really good at art. Another connection that I have is when Vasya could hear sounds that nobody else could. That reminded me of harry potter and the snake noises in the movie “The Secrets of the Chamber”. Another connection that I have is when he again he heard sounds that nobody else could. That reminded me of this book I read that was about this kid who was haunted. The last connection that I have is when he made a new way of art. It reminded me of the time where they added a new type of government in Greece (Democracy). In conclusion I liked this book because of the interesting story and I would love to read again later another time.










“There” written and illustrated by Marie – Louise Fitzpatrick is book made for an age group of 7-9. The book is about this person who wants to go somewhere. The persons asks him/herself what she/he can do there, what she will be like there, what things will be like there, and other questions. That’s basically the whole book. I’m not sure what the books message is but, I think it’s talking about when she/he grows up, how will the person change. One connection that I have is when the person was thinking of what would happen there (In the future). I like to think about my future also sometimes. Another connection that I have is when it was again thinking what would happen there (In the future). I know that everyone was wondering what was going to happen when Donald Trump become the president of America. The last connection that I have is when again the person was thinking of what was going to happen there (In the future). In the book “Middle of Nowhere” The boy is scared of what is going to happen in the future if his mom does’t comeback. One thing I liked about the book is the illustration. In conclusion, I didn’t like the book and I personally thought it was just saying the same thing over and over again.

Wangari ‘s Trees of Peace: A True Story from Africa

“Wangari’s Trees of Peace: A True Story from Africa” written and illustrated by Jeanette Winter is book make for an age group of 9-11. The book is about this woman named Wangari who lived in a small village in Kenya. She harvested the crops and shined in school which gave her a scholarship. 6 years later when she came back to Kenya from collage she realized that the forest was fully chopped down. She thought of planting trees again so that it would turn into a forest again. She thought that planting trees would make Kenya a better place for people. The government wasn’t to excited though. They thought it they would need trained men for it to work. Soon later every woman in Kenya started planting trees too. But the cutting still continued since that was what the government wanted but Wangari didn’t agree so they put her in jail since she kept planting trees. Wangari might have been stopped but the trees didn’t. They grow and now there where millions of trees when there were none a few years ago thanks to her and all the other women. Something I liked about the book is the illustration since it looked really bubbly. One text to self connection I made about the book is when Wangari was mad at the government. I was also mad at the government of America when Donald trump made racist laws. Another Connection I made was when she was again disagreeing with the government. Once I was reading this book and it was about this man who went undercover since his store was just sued by the government. That was a text to text connection. In conclusion, I liked this book and I enjoyed reading it.


The Fantastic Undersea

“The Fantastic Undersea” written and illustrated by Dan Yaccarina is a book written for an age group of 8-11. The book is about this guy named Jacques who loved the sea and wanted to make movies and share the wonderful things about it with people. After many days of swimming in pools and seas, Jacques was injured and had to go to the hospital. But Jacques didn’t give up and swam in the Mediterranean Sea everyday. One day his friend gave him some googles which changed his life. He could never sea under water so clearly and from that day he started an underwater show and everyone who watched loved it. Nobody had seen someone go underwater and make films of it. Jacques was interested in doing the impossible which is the reason why him and group started making an underwater place where people could live. Shortly after, Jacques realizes that people can’t live without the sun. At the end he found the Cousteau socially where everyone learned about water pollution. In conclusion, liked the book since it inspires me to do something that has never been done before. One of the connections that I had was when Jacques tried to do something no other human being had ever done. (Make an underwater place for people to live). Once I tried to make a lego house when I was a kid but I also shortly after realized there was no way I could. That connection was Text to Self. Another connection I had was when he was making an underwater film. This reminded me of Steve Irwin and his underwater documentaries. That was a Text to Media connection. The last connection is when he was again making an underwater film. It reminded me of when Steve Irwin died and how it was all over the news. That was a test to world connection. As you can see, there are many ways you can make connections to things.

Bat’s Big Game Connections

“Bat’s Big Game”, retold by Margaret Read MacDonald and Eugenia Nobati as the illustrator is a book for 7-9-year-olds. It is about this Bat who was going to play soccer. One team was birds and the other team was animals (Mammals). Since Bat had wings like a bird and fur and teeth like mammals he knew he could get into any team. He chose the mammals since he thought they would win, but then when they were losing he switched to the winning team, birds. Then again, he switched back to the animal team since they were winning again. Then the ref stopped the game and told each team to come to him/her. He asked the bird team if Bat was on their team, then he asked the other team if Bat was also on there. After that everyone noticed he was switching team and he got kicked out the game. After that day, Bat practiced every day. I kind of liked the book since I can kind of relate to it. (That’s what one of my friends does). But it was a little repetitive since he kept just switching teams. One text to self connection that I had was at the start when Bat was predicting which team would win and going on that team. One time, I was playing soccer with my friends at Ambleside and I was the caption of a team so I got to choose which players are on my team and obviously I chose the players I knew where good. Another connection I make from the book “Bat’s Big Game” is when he kept switching sides so he could be on the winning team. A few months ago I was reading this book and then this guy was losing a soccer game so he decided to put something really hard in his shoes so that when he kicked it would go faster, longer and stronger. Obviously this is a text to text connection. Another connection I had to this book was when Bat got exposed to cheating in the game. A few months ago I was playing basketball and in the other team, this guy would foul me every-time I went for a layup. One time when I was going for a layup he came from the back and pushed me and I fell really badly. Then the referee said he can’t play anymore until second half. This is a text to self connection since it was something that happened to me. As you can see, you can make many connections to one book just like how I did.

Sir Cumference and The Dragon of Pi A Math Adventure

Sir Cumference and the Dragon Pi A Math Adventure” written by Cindy Neuschwander and illustrated by Wayne Geehan is a the book that was made for an age group of 8-12 year olds. The book is about This dad named Sir Cumference and his son Radius. One day Sir Cumference was really sick and needed something to cure him so he told his son Radius to get a potion. So Radius ran to the hospital and got a potion to help his father, Sir Cumference. When Sir Cumference drank the potion he turned into a DRAGON. The next day people found out and came to a conclusion that they were going to kill dragon in a a few days. Radius felt really sad and guilty. Radius had to do something and finally he found something thing that could cure him. It was called “A Circle’s Measure”. When Radius came back to his dad he measured his angles with a pie and fed him the pie and Sir Cumference turned back to a human. After that he told all the people who were going to kill the dragon (His Dad) and they came to a conclusion that if you x’s 3.14 by the diameter you get the Circumference which was named after Radius’s dad. Talking about naming after, this new measurement technique was named pi after this event. I like this story because it is a fun way to learn things about math. It would also be a great thing to read if you’re are starting to learn Pi and circle angles. In conclusion, I liked this book and it was very creative.




Kindness #4

             This week I did many kind things, one of them included teaching.  A day ago I was just playing basketball and then this guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted 1v1 him. So then the next minute we were 1v1ing, at the and I beat him 0-10. I realized he was a beginner and that he didn’t know the basic. Therefore, I asked him if he wanted to know some tips and he said yes. I taught him how to actually dribble, how to do a proper layup and many other things. As you can see, I did an act of kindness yesterday.

Kindness #3

Over the week I have done many acts of kindness, one being helping others, A few days ago, I went to my cousins house and we were just play when he realized that he hadn’t done his homework, while he was working, he realized that he didn’t even know how to do any of the math questions, he didn’t want to go and ask his mom either because she was talking to my mom and a few other people. So I realized that I’ve learned the type of math he was doing already so I told him the formula to how to get the answer. I was happy afterwards because I helped him and I’m pretty sure he was happy also since now he knew how to solve the questions. That’s one of the many acts of kindness I’ve shown over the week.